The second single is out now, our interpretation of classic Blues song Fixin' To Die.
We used to perform this just on solo acoustic guitar but in the studio it took on a life of its own,
building to a furious crescendo with crackling slide guitar and stomping drums and feet.
Our first single, Roll On, is out now at an online store near you.
It was written in response to the early death of Frank,
who ran a music festival in Norfolk where we played several times.
He died while running the Connemarathon, unexpectedly and at the peak of his health.
We wrote the song more than 10 years ago,
but recently two more beautiful people passed away suddenly,
bringing the song new resonance and inspiring us to record and release it.
The first Hunter Gatherers video is released!
Beautiful View is from our upcoming album The Way Down.
It was written in the viewing platform of the Hancock Tower in Chicago,
and explores the fine line between highs and lows, both physical and mental.
The video features evocative animation from artist Brook Morgan